Blake's Seven

Beginning with A

Beginning with B

Beginning with C

Beginning with D to F

Beginning with G to L (This Page)

Beginning with M to P

Beginning with Q to S

Beginning with T to Z


(WAV: UK:£7.60 EUR:£8.30 ROW:£9.60 / $22.00 ) Two novellas by Diane L. Holland in one volume of around 60 pages. Illustrated by Val Westall, Published by Judith Proctor.

This is a genzine for fans of Avon, Blake and Vila. It's also one of the most unlikely Blake's 7 stories you'll ever read.

In Renaissance Italy, we find a world where Avon has been recast as Leonardo da Vinci, Vila as one of his pupils and Blake as Machiavelli (a Florentine patriot whose bad reputation is at least in part due to history being written by his enemies). The friendship between the two will change history.

In the sequel, each of the three men is reincarnated into a slightly later period of history. Avon is now Galileo, Blake a Grand Duke and Vila a street juggler. One of the three committed a great sin in his previous life and must find a way to repay that debt.

The whole thing sounds weird, but trust me, it works. The characterisations ring true even in the different incarnations and there's lots of angst as the stories play out against the background of Italian politics and the shadow of the Inquisition.

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Last changed on 19th of July 2002